A place where you can go to find out whats going on with
Tim, Jen, Ryan Jay, Naomi Faith and Esther Kitty!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ryan J Gets a Haircut

A real professional haircut cause i let it go too long! We went to a kids haircut place called snip-its. He got a lollipop while they cut his hair. At the end you get a prize, ryan's prize was a duck. and he promptly put it back where it came from. did i teach him to clean up too well?? Last night, adding to his grown up look, he decided to read the paper like daddy!

Rethinking the Elmer Plague

Our amish friend Sarah died on christmas eve. turns out that the day we spent with her and naomi and elmer was the last time we saw her. it was a really good day in general besides getting the plague. and i'm really glad that we got to spend that time with her. Turns out God knew all along what He was doing. I don't know why i ever doubt. We were able to go to the viewing, funeral and burial which was very good, especially good to see the family. even though it was all in german we still caught a few words like, "in my fathers house". isn't it nice to know that God's love crosses over language barriers? When we get to heaven we'll understand eachother perfectly :) We're really going to miss sarah, especially all the lessons she taught us about being calm and patient and waiting for God's timing. What a wonderful blessing to have had her in our lives!

Ryan J's Car Room

He hasn't slept in it yet, we're still working on getting the whole sleeping thing down before we move him to another room. But he loves having a room of his own! Most of this stuff he got for christmas. We're going to add a road with cars to the one wall and i'm going to add a carpet in the corner to make it a reading corner. I'll have to post again when it's really done :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was actually really relaxing this year. We spent cmas eve with the mantheys and on cmas day we hung out at our house in the morning and spent the afternoon at my parents for the keller-side shebang. Here's a few pics from cmas and cmas eve...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Been A While... Let's Catch Up...

It's been clearly too long since i posted last. We've been nice and busy of course! We have been blessed to have Tim's brother and his wife with us for the last 6 weeks here while they worked on making their new place livable. Today they moved out and we've been SO sad all day long. We love you guys and we miss you already!! This has been the year of the move, actually the last couple months have been filled with moves. Today we moved Katie, and all around thanksgiving we moved my grandparents to their new place. Let's see... we've also done cookie day, christmas shopping weekend and ryan has of course learned a lot! i will post pics to update on ryan in my next post. sorry it's been so long everyone!