A place where you can go to find out whats going on with
Tim, Jen, Ryan Jay, Naomi Faith and Esther Kitty!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bedrest Continues...

Bedrest is going pretty well so far. Keep praying that my attitude keeps up! I've had a couple down times but for the most part it's been ok. Everyone is being sooo supportive. I get so many visitors and we've gotten several meals. Please keep coming over, it definitely helps to break up the days! I can still work 4 hours a day on my laptop so that helps too. And of course Tim has been fantastic the whole time! Thanks again everyone! I'm attaching a picture of esther, I think she was practicing taking care of this doll so that she can help me when Ryan comes :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've joined the "blogger" world. Glad to hear things are going okay for you, while on bedrest. Just enjoy this time to rest & relax, before the baby comes. I'm sure you hear it alot, but it's true.

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